History San José members are part of a vibrant community of people who value the history of San José and the Santa Clara Valley.
Members make a special investment in History San José to support education and outreach programs for more than 10,000 students a year, the ongoing collecting and conserving of the largest regional collection in California, and our wonderful gathering places for the entire community – at History Park and the downtown Gonzales/Peralta Adobe — Carmel & Thomas Fallon House Historic Site.
Benefits of a History San José Membership
$50 Historian Members receive...
- Six (6) tickets to the Red, White, & Blue Members-only Picnic
- Invitations to members-only events throughout the year, including exhibit previews
- Discounted admission for most History San José public programs and tours
- HSJ newsletter, emailed monthly
$100 Orchard Members receive...
All of the above benefits and
- Eight (8) tickets to the Red, White, & Blue Members-only Picnic
- Free family tickets (2 Adults & 2 Youth) to History Park's Children's Halloween Haunt OR History Park's Children's Heritage Holiday Program
$250 Valley Members receive...
All of the above benefits and
- Ten (10) tickets to the Red, White, & Blue Members-only Picnic
- 15% discount on printed images from History San José's Collection via Zenfolio
$500 Silicon Members receive...
All of the above benefits and
- Private tour of History Park or Gonzales/Peralta Adobe and Carmela & Thomas Fallon House for a group of ten (10)
- 25% discount on printed images from History San José's Collection via Zenfolio
$1,000 Cinnabar Members receive...
All of the above benefits and
- 15% discount on rental of History San José facilities* (one use per year)
- Behind-the-scenes tour of History San José's extensive collection of historic materials and objects for a group of six (6)
- Annual Holiday Ornament
$2,500 Quicksilver Members receive...
All of the above benefits and
- 25% discount on rental of History San José facilities* (one use per year)
- Two (2) tickets to Valley of Heart's Delight
$5,000 Gold Members receive...
All of the above benefits and
- Complimentary** use of History San José facilities* (one per year)
* Benefit available for Renzel Room, Empire Firehouse, BBQ Lawn, or Train Lawn at History Park; Meeting Room or Garden at Carmela & Thomas Fallon House.
**Does not include catering or equipment rental​